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Una finestra che respira la città

(A window that breathes the city)

Centre de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance 2021 - Réalisateur-rice : Lacicerchia, Elisa

Chorégraphe(s) : Fumagalli, Edoardo Lacicerchia, Elisa (Italy)

Présentée dans la/les collection(s) : International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance , EIVV 2022

Vidéo intégrale disponible au CND de Pantin et à la Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

Una finestra che respira la città

(A window that breathes the city)

Centre de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance 2021 - Réalisateur-rice : Lacicerchia, Elisa

Chorégraphe(s) : Fumagalli, Edoardo Lacicerchia, Elisa (Italy)

Présentée dans la/les collection(s) : International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance , EIVV 2022

Vidéo intégrale disponible au CND de Pantin et à la Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

A window that breathes the city

"Soul eager for life
Fear not to leave your four walls of illusions

A boy walks thoughtfully into his room, he looks out of the window and begins to observe his surroundings. Suddenly, an idea resonates in his mind and begins to spread throughout his body: his desire to escape, to go beyond the spaces that constrain him to the canons of appearance, to leave home with his own experience prevails to meet what different from him is. The window thus becomes the symbol of portals, of bridges, a junction between the real and the unreal. The boundary between internal, intimate space and external, public space becomes increasingly blurred. Every place involves the boy differently, transmitting to him emotions and sensations. In his turn, the young boy inhabits and animates the spaces through his movement and gives them a new meaning, leaving a mark of himself. The protagonist undertakes a journey that leads him to physically and mentally strip himself of the superfluous until he rediscovers his essence and contact with external reality.

  • Elisa LacicerchiaDirector
  • Elisa LacicerchiaWriter
  • Elisa LacicerchiaProducer
  • Edoardo FumagalliDancer
  • Flavio MartinettoCinematography
  • Flavio MartinettoFilm editing
  • Giovanni Tommaso BortolettoSound
  • John BedbroughtMusic
  • Umberto BonaMusic
  • Edoardo FumagalliCoreography
  • Elisa LacicerchiaCoreography
  • Elisa LacicerchiaProduction design
  • Sagome AzzurreCostume design
  • Elena GalleaniGraphic design
  • Daniele GaglianoneArtistic supervisor
  • Elena BeatriceArtistic supervisor
  • Daniele LinceArtistic supervisor
  • Rodolfo MongitoreArtistic supervisor
  • Città di BiellaLocation
  • Comune di RosazzaLocation
  • Comune di PiedicavalloLocation
  • Frazione di MontesinaroLocation
  • Comune di SordevoloLocation
  • B&B del PiazzoLocation
  • Daily CafèLocation
  • Fondazione SellaLocation
  • La Trappa di SordevoloLocation
  • Respira TorinoSpecial thanks
  • Gabriele CasanoSpecial thanks
  • Antonella DideroSpecial thanks
  • Federico FumagalliSpecial thanks
  • Stefano FumagalliSpecial thanks
  • Chiara ValliSpecial thanks
  • Pierluca GalloSpecial thanks
  • Beatrice MesguichSpecial thanks
  • Alessandro GaidoSpecial thanks
  • Chiara PellegriniSpecial thanks
  • Federica PozzaSpecial thanks

Director Statement

A short film investigating the connection between artistic expression and urban space with a sound design experiment in which sounds and noises mix to become music.

Fumagalli, Edoardo

Lacicerchia, Elisa

Lacicerchia, Elisa

Director Biography - Elisa Lacicerchia📷

Class of 1999. Elisa graduated in Communication Sciences with a thesis entitled "Cinema and Social Justice. Different gazes on Iranian cinema to alight and promote change" as a result of her participation in the Masterclass programme organised by the 38th Torino Film Festival.   She continues her specialist studies in Public and Political Communication and her investigation into the relationship between the arts, society and urban spaces through various activities: she writes about social and cultural issues for the cultural association Il Polo Positivo, organises events, choreographs and dances for the cultural project Respira Torino and collaborates with the association Mosaico Danza for the urban and contemporary dance festival Interplay.   She discovered dance at the age of 5 and it remains her passion. She began studying ballet at an early age and then she specialised in contemporary dance in established schools and with international choreographers. Once she left the stage of traditional theatre and “returned to the city”, Elisa began to take an interest in the connection between artistic expression and urban space. But her research has only just begun.

A window that breathes the city

Direction artistique / Conception : Elisa Lacicerchia

Chorégraphie : Edoardo Fumagalli

Interprétation : Edoardo Fumagalli

Musique originale : John Bedbrought, Umberto Bona

Son : Giovanni Tommaso Bortoletto

Durée : 7 min.

Nos suggestions de videos

La Valse de Vaslav

Tompkins, Mark (France)

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Tompkins, Mark (France)

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Hard to be soft

Doherty, Oona (France)

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Goecke, Marco (France)

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Tchouda, Bouba Landrille (France)

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  • Ajouter à la playlist

Colin Dunne & eRikm Project

Dunne, Colin (France)

  • Ajouter à la playlist

Locus Focus

Tanaka, Min (France)

  • Ajouter à la playlist

Peuplé, dépeuplé

Ben Aïm, Christian & François (France)

  • Ajouter à la playlist

Peuplé, dépeuplé - Teaser

Ben Aïm, Christian & François (France)

  • Ajouter à la playlist


Keller, Jennifer (United States)

  • Ajouter à la playlist

The Bridge Waltz

  • Ajouter à la playlist

Cartes postales de Chimère

Bédard, Louise (Canada)

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Senatore, Ambra (France)

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La Feuille [en extérieur]

Huynh, Emmanuelle (France)

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Yellow Towel

Michel, Dana (France)

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Its not a thing

Gaskin, Keyon (France)

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Sorrow Swag

Lewis, Ligia (France)

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Heimat - focus

Brabant, Jérôme (Reunion)

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Body Without A Brain

Rianto (Indonesia)

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Nos suggestions de themas

À corps et à cris

Exposition virtuelle


Danse et arts numériques

Exposition virtuelle


Partenaires artistiques de K. Danse

Exposition virtuelle


La compagnie Dyptik

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ANIMAL KINGODM, Parole des participants

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Danse sur Mobilier urbain dissuasif

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Les racines de la diversité en danse contemporaine

Exposition virtuelle


CHRISTIAN & FRANÇOIS BEN AÏM ET L'ÉLAN VITAL - échappées chorégraphiques salvatrices

Exposition virtuelle


Les Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis

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Latitudes contemporaines

Exposition virtuelle


40 ans de rock et danse

Exposition virtuelle


Danses indiennes

Une découverte de la danse indienne au travers de créations chorégraphiques qui la dévoilent, la suggèrent, la revisitent ou la transforment !



Le corps et les conflits

Regard sur les liens qui semblent émerger entre le corps dansant et le monde envisagé comme un organisme vivant.



James Carlès

Exposition virtuelle


Rencontres avec la littérature

La collaboration entre chorégraphe et écrivain fait apparaître de multiples combinaisons. Parfois, ce n’est plus le chorégraphe qui « met en danse » le texte d’un auteur, c’est l’écrivain qui prend la danse pour sujet ou matière de son texte.



Quand le réel s'invite

Comment les œuvres témoignent-elles du monde ? L’artiste contemporain est-il lui-même le produit d’une époque, d’un milieu, d’une culture ?  



Danse et performance

 Echantillon d’extraits des figures burlesques de la Performance en danse.



Le Butô

Une découverte de la danse japonaise du Butô. 



Folklores dites-vous ?

 Présentation de la manière dont les chorégraphes contemporains revisitent le Folklore.



Les états de corps

Explication du terme « état de corps » pour la danse.


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