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Bruit blanc - Autour de Marie-France (with subtitles)

Ministère de la Culture 1998 - Director : Urréa, Valérie

Choreographer(s) : Monnier, Mathilde (France)

Present in collection(s): Ministère de la Culture , CNC - Images de la culture

Video producer : Pénélope

en fr

Bruit blanc - Autour de Marie-France (with subtitles)

Ministère de la Culture 1998 - Director : Urréa, Valérie

Choreographer(s) : Monnier, Mathilde (France)

Present in collection(s): Ministère de la Culture , CNC - Images de la culture

Video producer : Pénélope

en fr

Bruit blanc [Autour de Marie-France]

Mathilde Monnier met Marie-France during a movement workshop with autistic adults. The young woman fascinated and intrigued the choreographer. Out of this initial exchange a choreographed duet was born, invented on the basis of an unspoken language, devoid of symbolism, with a set of movements that had meaning for both of them. Valérie Urréa chose to follow the involved relationship between the choreographer and Marie-France, the devising of the duet, through success or resistance, an incessant ebb and flow between reflection and application.

Source : Mathilde Monnier 

More information :

Monnier, Mathilde

Mathilde Monnier occupies a place of reference in the landscape of  French and international contemporary dance. From piece to piece, she  thwarts expectations by presenting work in constant renewal.

Her  appointment as head of the Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon  Choreographic Center in 1994 marked the beginning of a series of  collaborations with personalities from various artistic fields (Jean-Luc  Nancy, Katerine, Christine Angot, La Ribot, Heiner Goebbels.. .).

She  created more than 50 choreographic pieces presented on major  international stages like the Avignon Festival, the Théâtre de la Ville  in Paris, passing through New York, Vienna, Berlin, London and receiving  several prizes for her work (Ministry of Culture prize, SACD Grand  Prize).

After directing the CND National Dance Center in Paris,  Mathilde Monnier resumed her creative work in 2019 with several pieces  like Please Please Please (2019) which she created in collaboration with  La Ribot & Tiago Rodiguez, Records (2021) and her latest, Black  Lights (2023).

Since 2020, Mathilde Monnier and her company have residing at the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier.

Source and more information:

Urréa, Valérie

Back in 1987, after having completed her studies at the Ecole nationale supérieure Louis-Lumière, Valérie Urréa began asserting her passion for visual and performing arts. Documentaries, live recordings, fictions, from 'Bruit Blanc' to 'L’Homme qui Danse', all of Valerie Urréa’s films, which are principally coproduced by ARTE, explore highly-sensitive themes such as autism, masculinity and issues concerning race, through artistic visions. Her multiple award-winning films are regularly presented in international festivals. She was guest-artist twice for the Commission Image Mouvement de la Délégation des Arts Plastiques (Image/Movement Commission of the French Visual Arts Delegation). At the same time, she was a teacher for several years at the École Supérieure des Arts Visuels (ESAV - Higher Institute for Visual Arts) in Marrakech, specializing in the relationships between images and performing arts. 

Source : Valérie Urréa 

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