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Fondation BNP Paribas 2010

Choreographer(s) : Kunes, Vaclav (Czech Republic)

Present in collection(s): Fondation BNP Paribas

Video producer : 420People

en fr


Fondation BNP Paribas 2010

Choreographer(s) : Kunes, Vaclav (Czech Republic)

Present in collection(s): Fondation BNP Paribas

Video producer : 420People

en fr


Our memories of places from remote past are usually blurred, in many cases even misleading: whether consciously or unconsciously, we tend to idealize them. It is the very places that change and we ourselves change too. We get older. Which is why we discover new things where we would never expect to. Is it then possible to come back to a place we once knew and experience the same emotions we keep in our memory from the past?

Inspired by personal experience: how does one plan coming back to a well known place after some time? And how does one live through it? Heraclitus said: “You cannot step twice into the same river. Everything changes and nothing remains still.” Coming back has many different forms.

“In recent years I have had several opportunities to work either on shows with live music on stage or with a composer involved throughout in the creative process. Such close and intense colaboration has been very refreshing for me and for the time being I would like to stick to this way of working,” says Václav Kuneš, the author of the show.

Source : 420 people

Kunes, Vaclav

420PEOPLE are Nataša Novotná and Václav Kuneš.

Both of them are linked together by one of the most prestigious dance companies in the world, the Netherlands Dans Theatre –

a place, where the intensive collaboration with world leading choreographers and artist comes to its peak.
Their dream and intentions are to "use" the years on the top of the dance world, subsequently presenting as much of this top within the Czech Republic and, furthermore sharing these experiences with Czech dancers and Czech spectators.

At the turn of the year 2007, Václav Kuneš and Nataša Novotná founded a new dance company in Prague: they named it 420PEOPLE. In the very first year of the company´s existence, Václav created the choreography Small Hour which has become successful both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the Czech Republic the piece was awarded The Sazka and Theatre Journal Prize and it was selected as the best achievement in the domain of dance and ballet in 2008. As far as its success abroad is concerned, it was selected for the programme DansClick which allowed 420PEOPLE for a two months tour around the Netherlands. For her performance in the piece Nataša Novotná was awarded the prestigious Thálie Prize 2008 in the Czech Republic.

In 2008, Václav presented two new pieces: On an Even Keel and a dynamic trio Golden Crock. Inspired by the emergence and development of jazz music, in the spring of 2009, Václav created his first full evening choreography Ghost Note in the production of the Netherlands Station Zuid. At the end of the same year he presented his second full evening choreography, this time produced by 420PEOPLE and Korzo Theater, A Small hour ago. At the gala-closing of TANEC PRAHA 2009 festival, Nataša Novotná was awarded the Dancer of the Year prize.

A very special part of the company’s repertory was B/olero, a piece choreographed by Ohad Naharin: thus 420PEOPLE became the only ensemble in the world allowed to perform the piece, besides Naharin’s home company Batsheva. The company has also been a success during its tour around Europe (France, Spain).

Source: The company 420PEOPLE 's website

More information :


420PEOPLE are Nataša Novotná and Václav Kuneš. Both of them are linked together by one of the most prestigious dance companies in the world, the Netherlands Dans Theatre – a place, where the intensive collaboration with world leading choreographers and artist comes to its peak. Their dream and intentions are to "use" the years on the top of the dance world, subsequently presenting as much of this top within the Czech Republic and, furthermore sharing these experiences with Czech dancers and Czech spectators. At the turn of the year 2007, Václav Kuneš and Nataša Novotná founded a new dance company in Prague: they named it 420PEOPLE. 

In the very first year of the company´s existence, Václav created the choreography Small Hour which has become successful both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In 2008, Václav presented two new pieces: "On an Even Keel" and a dynamic trio "Golden Crock". Inspired by the emergence and development of jazz music, in the spring of 2009, Václav created his first full evening choreography Ghost Note in the production of the Netherlands Station Zuid. At the end of the same year he presented his second full evening choreography, this time produced by 420PEOPLE and Korzo Theater, A Small hour ago. At the gala-closing of TANEC PRAHA 2009 festival, Nataša Novotná was awarded the Dancer of the Year prize. A very special part of the company’s repertory was "B/olero", a piece choreographed by Ohad Naharin: thus 420PEOPLE became the only ensemble in the world allowed to perform the piece, besides Naharin’s home company Batsheva. The company has also been a success during its tour around Europe (France, Spain).

Source: The company 420 people 's website

More information :


Choreography : Vaclav Kunes

Interpretation : Helena Arenbergerova, Samir Calixto, Zuzana Herenyiová, Kenta Kojiri, Milan Odstrcil et Rei Watanabe

Set design : Vaclav Kunes

Live music : Amos Ben-Tal

Lights : Jackie Shemesh

Costumes : Vaclav Kunes

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Fondation BNP Paribas

Duration : 32'

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