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Director of publication Tiago Guedes
The website is published by: Maison de la Danse
SCIC SA Siège : 8 Avenue Jean Mermoz 69008 Lyon
Téléphone : 04 72 78 18 18
SIRET : 313 955 288 000 52
APE : 9004Z
TVA : FR47313955288

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Copyright Agent Website creation
Société Ladydinde SARL
Siège : 18 rue Bodin, 69001, Lyon
Téléphone : 09 80 84 89 67
SIRET : 812 291 300 000 26
APE : 6201Z
TVA : FR45 812 291 300

Website referencing Audience et référencement
Denis Bonvallet

Copyright NUMERIDANSE.TV is a trademark registered with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (I.N.P.I) under number 10 3 784 926 French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property apply to the entire site. All reproduction rights are reserved, including those for downloadable documents, iconographic and photographic representations and moving images.

MY DANCE COMPANY is a trademark registered with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (I.N.P.I) under number 17 4 372 306 French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property apply to the entire site. All reproduction rights are reserved, including those for downloadable documents, iconographic and photographic representations and moving images.


A platform developed and built by Ladydinde

Artistic direction & brand worlds : Céline Mossaz / Mathilde Dugué / Nicolas Bles

Technical direction : Alexis Clairet

Project management/Customer relationship : Cécilia Quay-Chatelet / Céline Mossaz

Design, ergonomics & graphics : Céline Mossaz / Nicolas Bles / Mathilde Dugué

Back-end et back-office development : Alexis Clairet, Louis Beltramo, Margot Nadot, Lucas Chapuis

Front-office development : Mickaël Tati, Thomas Aufresne, Roch Bouchayer and Jonathan Juste

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