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17 Septembre

Jérémy Tran 2018 - Director : Tran, Jérémy

Choreographer(s) : Tran, Jérémy (France)

Present in collection(s): Créations vidéos

Integral video available at CND de Pantin and at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

17 Septembre

Jérémy Tran 2018 - Director : Tran, Jérémy

Choreographer(s) : Tran, Jérémy (France)

Present in collection(s): Créations vidéos

Integral video available at CND de Pantin and at Maison de la danse de Lyon

en fr

17 Septembre

A video dance performed by Louise Bille and directed by Jérémy Tran.

Tran, Jérémy

His artistic and professional career was built through hybrid and multidisciplinary projects and collaborations, at the confluence of dance, performance, photography and video. Through creation, Jérémy Tran attempts to capture, amplify and transform the energy and presence of the body — based on choreographic and cinematographic research — in order to reveal its essences and instincts.

After starting classical dance at the age of 8, Jérémy Tran, student at the Conservatoire Régional de Lille, decided in 2009 to move towards contemporary dance. It is strong these years and the rewards obtained — triple gold medalist at the French National Confederation of Dance — he joined in 2010 the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon. In 2014, he obtained the National Superior Professional Dancer Diploma, the ADAMI scholarship and the Talent prodij trophy from the city of Lyon. He directed many short films, including Artificial Landscapes, gathering 140 people, which he presented in September 2014 at the International Lyon Dance Biennale, and Dissection of the 60secondsdance Denmark international festival.

In 2015 he was selected to participate as a videographer and performer at the Watermill Center Summer Program in New York and work under the direction of director Robert Wilson. He also choreographed the performance Lagune for 6 dancers and a marionnetist, in collaboration with the visual artist Denis Savary on the occasion of the centenary of the DADA.

In 2016, he obtained the Master 2 Development of International Artistic and Cultural Projects (with highest honors) from the Université Lumière Lyon 2, in which he wrote a dissertation on The participations of amateur artists in the creations of the world of dance: the impacts and issues related to these interpreters.

After having worked as a project monitoring officer at the Centre National de Lyon, he continued his training by integrating the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in Project Management in Information Architecture and at the same time held the position of Project Manager/Administration in an art production office in Lyon.

In 2018, he created his company and became artistic director and freelance artist, specialized in dance and video production. He is also admitted for the oral exams of the selection contest for residents of the Académie de France in Rome - Villa Medici, which take place at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

Today Jérémy Tran participates both as a professor, choreographer-director, at the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon and CinéFabrique - National School of Cinema to deal with the articulation between choreographic and cinematographic language, and ardently pursues the design of new hybrid projects.

He devotes himself to creating a choreographic piece, What is left for us, that will be presented and performed in June 2020 by the Ballet of the Grand Théâtre de Genève.

Bille, Louise

Louise began dancing at Rosella Hightower School where she would follow eight years of classical, contemporary and jazz training. At the end of her studies, she joined the Cannes Jeune Ballet.

In 2013, she joined the Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève and danced pieces by Pontus Lindberg, Joëlle Bouvier, Andonis Foniadakis, Jeroen Verbruggen or Claude Brumachon. In 2018, Louise became a free-lance and began working with the Beaver Dam Company.

Tran, Jérémy

His artistic and professional career was built through hybrid and multidisciplinary projects and collaborations, at the confluence of dance, performance, photography and video. Through creation, Jérémy Tran attempts to capture, amplify and transform the energy and presence of the body — based on choreographic and cinematographic research — in order to reveal its essences and instincts.

After starting classical dance at the age of 8, Jérémy Tran, student at the Conservatoire Régional de Lille, decided in 2009 to move towards contemporary dance. It is strong these years and the rewards obtained — triple gold medalist at the French National Confederation of Dance — he joined in 2010 the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon. In 2014, he obtained the National Superior Professional Dancer Diploma, the ADAMI scholarship and the Talent prodij trophy from the city of Lyon. He directed many short films, including Artificial Landscapes, gathering 140 people, which he presented in September 2014 at the International Lyon Dance Biennale, and Dissection of the 60secondsdance Denmark international festival.

In 2015 he was selected to participate as a videographer and performer at the Watermill Center Summer Program in New York and work under the direction of director Robert Wilson. He also choreographed the performance Lagune for 6 dancers and a marionnetist, in collaboration with the visual artist Denis Savary on the occasion of the centenary of the DADA.

In 2016, he obtained the Master 2 Development of International Artistic and Cultural Projects (with highest honors) from the Université Lumière Lyon 2, in which he wrote a dissertation on The participations of amateur artists in the creations of the world of dance: the impacts and issues related to these interpreters.

After having worked as a project monitoring officer at the Centre National de Lyon, he continued his training by integrating the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in Project Management in Information Architecture and at the same time held the position of Project Manager/Administration in an art production office in Lyon.

In 2018, he created his company and became artistic director and freelance artist, specialized in dance and video production. He is also admitted for the oral exams of the selection contest for residents of the Académie de France in Rome - Villa Medici, which take place at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

Today Jérémy Tran participates both as a professor, choreographer-director, at the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon and CinéFabrique - National School of Cinema to deal with the articulation between choreographic and cinematographic language, and ardently pursues the design of new hybrid projects.

He devotes himself to creating a choreographic piece, What is left for us, that will be presented and performed in June 2020 by the Ballet of the Grand Théâtre de Genève.

17 Septembre

Artistic direction / Conception : Jérémy Tran

Choreography : Louise Bille & Jérémy Tran

Interpretation : Louise Bille

Additionnal music : Frédéric Chopin - Ballade no.1, Op.23

Video conception : Jérémy Tran

Duration : 3 minutes

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