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Mouvements #05

To mark the 30th annual Eurockéennes Festival in Belfort, VIADANSE – Centre chorégraphique national de Bourgogne Franche-Comté à Belfort (National Choreographic Centre of Burgundy and Franche-Comté in Belfort – CCN Belfort) invited 18 choreographers, representing the wide diversity in the field of choreography. The film director Nicolas Habas followed them on the natural site of Malsaucy, from the beginning of the preparations for the festival, and throughout it to the end. The choreographers took part in all that happened, everywhere it happened (stages, technical storage management areas, traffic routes, crowds of audiences, backstage…) resulting in danced portrayals that documented in a recreational manner the impressive machinery needed to bring about the event.

Clip #05 – shot on the structure of the Eurockéennes technicians catering marquee, with the trapeze artist Chloé Moglia from the Rizhome Company

Moglia, Chloé

As a performer Chloé Moglia infuses her practice in martial arts in her artistic way, developing through her work a singular exploration of the suspension art. Defending an embodied thought as much as a sensitive corporeality, it endeavors to deploy attention and acuity by linking physical practice, reflection and sensitivity. 

She confronts her complicit relationship to weightlessness and her confrontation with the void, in multiple aerial experiments. Solo or collective, her creationsplay with bodies, slowness, vertigo and the laws of physics. Summoning a taste for taking on risk and fear to be the stand of her performances, Chloé Moglia shows a staggering controlthat evokes as much fragility. She has been artistic director of Rhizome since its emergence in 2009.

Source:Chloé Moglia (April 2020)

More information

Habas, Nicolas

Nicolas Habas comes from cinema first, as a screenwriter and director of several short fiction films including Le mal de Claire, broadcast on French TV and documentaries (La parole en chantier, triptych on a popular neighborhood in urban renewal). He is very interested in the tensions between reality and the imaginary, society and intimacy, geography and territories. With a self-taught apprenticeship that led him to a deep understanding of the codes of the film industry, he decided to find «his» cinema and returned with Le Corps de la Ville, the web series anchored in dance, to his first loves, since he made his first dance video in 1998. Shot during the 30° Eurockéennes de Belfort Festival and Broadcast on Arte Concert, Mouvements is its second web series.

Filmography :

2024 Le corps de la ville en Guadeloupe -  Documentaire 52 ‘(support : HD, © JPL Productions/ WIPS Productions/ Canal +) - en cours de post production - 

2023 L'envol - Court métrage documentaire d'après Ruptures de Bouziane Bouteldja (support : 4k, durée 28' © Cie Dans6T/Cie CinéDanse). Best Cinematography Award, 2024 Breaking Walls Dance Film Festival, Le Caire, Égypte.

2022 Le corps de la ville en Guyane - pilote du documentaire 52’ (support : HD, durée : 5’, © JPL Productions/ WIPS Productions). Sélection officielle : Festival Cinédanse Quebec, Danca Em Foco à Rio de Janeiro, Wyoming Dance Film Festival à Cheyenne, USA.

2022 Danse ton île - Documentaire 52’ (support : HD, © JPL Productions/ AV Com Productions/ France Télévision).

2021 Le corps de la ville en Martinique - Documentaire 52 ‘ et web série (support : HD, durée : 10 x 5’, © JPL Productions/ WIPS Productions/ France Télévision).

2020 Pères en prison - Court métrage documentaire (support HD, durée 5’ © Festival La Rochelle Cinéma/ studio Un Poil Court)

2019 Le corps de la ville à Nouméa - Documentaire 52 ‘ et web série (support : HD, durée : 10 x 5’, © JPL Productions/ AV Com Productions/ France Télévision).

2018 Mouvements - Documentaire 26’ et web série (support : HD, durée : 18 x 3’, © Séquence SDP/ Eurockéennes de Belfort/ Viadanse/ Ccn de Belfort/ Arte Concert).

2014/2019 Le corps de la ville - web série (support : HD, durée : 36 x 4’, © studio Un Poil Court en partenariat avec le Festival La Rochelle Cinéma, Studio Chérie (Berlin), le Périscope (Lyon), Le Festival Nocte Graus (Espagne), le Festival DAN.CIN.FEST, Le CCN de La Rochelle, la Cie En Knap (Slovénie), la Cie Hors Série, la Cie Propos, la Cie Jean Claude Gallotta et le CNSMD de Lyon).

2011 Mauvaise graine - Court métrage de fiction (support : 35 mm, durée : 21’, © CLC Productions/ Lyon TV).

2006/2012 La parole en chantier - Triptyque documentaire (support : HDV, durée : 3x40’, © Petits bolides films/ Espace Louis Aragon).

2004 Le mal de Claire - Court métrage de fiction (support : Super 16 mm, durée 14’, © Lumina Films/France Télévision).

2000 En attendant septembre - Court métrage de fiction (support : DV, durée : 30’, © Petits Bolides films/ Carré Image). 

1998 Marie au parc - Vidéo danse (support : S-VHS, durée 7’, auto production).


The Association Rhizome promotes the artistic projects of Chloé Moglia. 
Founded in Brittany in 2009, it began its work on 1 January 2011. Its work is both regional and national, with a small amount also carried out abroad.

Until December 2010, Chloé Moglia co-directed, with Mélissa Von Vépy, the Cie Moglice-Von Verx, based in – and with financial support of – the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

Suspension, martial arts, writing and drawing are the subjects – or roots – on which Moglia's artistic approach is based. The combination of these has given rise to shows and performances that bring together the spheres of thought and feeling. 
The notion of sharing these ‘reflexive dreams’ with audiences, residents and the community is crucial, and constantly keeping alive the issue of meaning in our artistic work insofar as it questions its relevance to the social and political context to which it belongs.

407 performances took place between January 2011 and June 2015, regionally, nationally and even around Europe.

Source: Rhizome 's website

More information

Mouvements #05

Artistic direction / Conception : Nicolas Habas

Interpretation : Chloé Moglia

Sound : Valentin Scion

Other collaborations : Léna Pradelle (montage)

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Cette web-série est produite par VIADANSE, Les Eurockéennes et Séquence, en partenariat avec Arte Concert et avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture, Direction générale de la création artistique.

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