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Ocean Moves - Épisode 1

96 Samoussas

Lalanbik – CDC o.I 2023 - Director : La Tangente TV,

Choreographer(s) : Schrotzenberger, Marion (France)

en fr

Ocean Moves - Épisode 1

96 Samoussas

Lalanbik – CDC o.I 2023 - Director : La Tangente TV,

Choreographer(s) : Schrotzenberger, Marion (France)

en fr

Ocean Moves - Saison 1


[Durée : 45 min/Film/Tous les âges]

Ocean Moves est une série de ciné-danse constituée d’épisodes courts, écrins du croisement entre art chorégraphique et cinéma, qui fait émerger les enjeux sociaux et écologiques de l’océan Indien, leur beauté et l’imaginaire qu’ils portent. Ocean Moves, peau numérique et audiovisuelle du biotope chorégraphique de l’océan Indien nous relie depuis un espace d’accueil pour la parole des artistes, où explorer l’idée d’un ou de « gestes chorégraphiques océan Indien ». Il est question de valoriser leur lien aux lieux et objets d’inspiration, à l’environnement : social, populaire, naturel, vivant… Hors des plateaux habituels de spectacle, l’enjeu est de réintégrer la personnalité des lieux dans lesquels s’ancre la danse, la personnalité de cet environnement indianocéanique qu’il soit social ou naturel, intense ou ordinaire, et de faire croître la conscience d’une mémoire vivante, tout autant pour les danseurs, danseuses que pour la population locale. Peut-être découvrira-t-on par la diversité des épisodes, un geste commun océan Indien, qui se diffuse et se partage d’une rive à l’autre de l’océan. Question en suspens…

Marion Schrotzenberger,

Marion  Schrotzenberger began her training in contempo-raine dance at the  Conservatoire National de Région de Châlon sur Saône. She graduated with  the gold medal.    
She  then entered the F11 (dance technique) course at the Conservatoire de  Danse de Lyon and the Lycée St Exupéry. She will take the courses taught  by professors F. Bénet and M. Mengual. This high level training will  give him the chance to take the courses and masterclasses given by  choreographers of international reputation: Carolyn Carlson, Odile  Duboc, Maguy Marin...
She  will complete her training by obtaining the F11 baccalaureate with the  mention very well and the diploma of graduation in contemporary dance  with the mention very well unanimously of the jury.

It  will then be accepted upon hearing and with a two-year age derogation  from the international training “” at the Centre Chorégraphique  National de Montpellier under the direction of Mathilde Monnier. The  training will be delivered by the greatest names in contemporary dance:  choreographers Mark Tompkins, Lisa Nelson and Steve Paxton, Odile  Duboc, Emmanuelle Huynh, dance historian Laurence Louppe...
After completing her training, she moved to Brussels. Her  first project in Belgium was an encounter with Belgian and Quebec  artists (dancers, videographers, circassians) with choreographer Edith  Depaule, assistant to Michèle Anne de Mey.

The plays will be performed in Brussels (Théâtre de L') and Montréal (Théâtre de Verdure)
Following  the performances at the Théâtre de L'L, he was invited to participate  as a young choreographer in the 2005 Festival “Danse en vol”. She  created her first play «Arizona» with the musician Ismaël Colombani.
She  then founded the collective Lookatmekid with Ismaël Colombani and  Cosima Jentzsch. For 5 years, the collective will regularly come to  Reunion to perform its shows and conduct artistic residencies in  schools.
For  2 years now Marion and other members of the collective have officially  resided between Brussels and Reunion Island and continue the work of  Lookatmekid.

His  installation two years ago on Reunion will be marked by the creation of  «Saut'la mer à l'envers» supported by the Békali network. It is on the history of his Creole family that the entire dramaturgy of the show is based. The question of origins, migrations and the fa-milial link are danced spoken and set to music. This  piece will also mark his desire to deepen the relationship between  gesture and word and the integration of amateur extras into his  professional work.

La Tangente TV,


Lalanbik was founded in 2014, in Reunion Island. It contributes to the  valorization of actors and choreographics writings of Indian Ocean  territories. Lalanbik implement online ressources tools : the first is  its website, concerning the Indian Ocean Dance news, and the other one  is its online video library, which brings contents about contemporary  and traditional dance writings. Lalanbik works in partnership to lead  its actions in favor of the widening of publics with : libraries,  theatres, dance schools, schools and higher education.

Source : Lalanbik's website

More information :


Artistic direction / Conception : Marion Shrotzenberger

Artistic direction assistance / Conception : Lalanbik

Choreography : Marion Shrotzenberger

Video conception : La tangente TV

Other collaborations : Céline Serrad

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