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No reality now, la danse et son double

Documentaire - making of

Maison de la danse Vincent Dupont 2023 - Director : Ayats, Charles

Choreographer(s) : Dupont, Vincent (France)

Present in collection(s): Vincent Dupont

Video producer : Le lieu unique

en fr

No reality now, la danse et son double

Documentaire - making of

Maison de la danse Vincent Dupont 2023 - Director : Ayats, Charles

Choreographer(s) : Dupont, Vincent (France)

Present in collection(s): Vincent Dupont

Video producer : Le lieu unique

en fr

No reality now, la danse et son double

"No reality now" is an augmented show, which combines dance and virtual reality. It invites us into a beyond ― inaccessible, unfathomable, unintelligible, like the death that it precisely ventures to stage.  
A hybrid experience for 100 spectators, of which this documentary retraces the production stages, between rereading of the live show and implementation of new technological bricks.   
© Director: Pierre Cattan / Images: Thibault Gabet / Editing: Audrey Bauduin / Sound mix: Côme Jalibert / Production: Small Bang / Delegated production: Lieu Unique / Coordination: Nicolas Rosette  
A film produced with the support of Écrans vivants de l’Onda.

Dupont, Vincent

Performer and choreographer Vincent Dupont is an associated artist at the Maison de la Danse and the Lyon Biennale de la Danse for the 2023-2024 season. 

A multidisciplinary artist, Dupont combines diverse art forms into choreography. Theatre, film and art installations all have a place in his singular work: a dizzyingly surreal blend of the archaic with the ultramodern. In Incantus and Air, the dancers’ breath is played through speakers, melding with the voices of a contemporary music ensemble. Amplifying the dancers’ breath, heightens the reverberations of their movements through the space. 

Dupont draws on the visual arts (Jachères improvisations is inspired by an installation by artist Stan Douglas), and the dramatic arts (Mettre en pièce(s) is a free adaptation of the play Offending the Audience). His work is both radical and transgressive. In in Hauts Cris (miniature), Dupont sits alone in a cluttered, bourgeois living room, until his rage boils over into destruction. In Refuge, an allegory of duality, two manual labourers, stuck performing repetitive movements, sabotage the machine that alienates them. 

In 5 apparitions successives Vincent Dupont shifts between different mediums, blurring the line between the visible and the invisible and experimenting with a diversity of images: analogue, digital and even subliminal. With pieces like Stéréoscopia to No reality now, he creates immersive installations that warp audience perception. Condensed from fragments of dreams, his work is an investigation of the line between reality and fiction, image and life, that cumulates in the mind of an audience aroused to heightened sensations. 

Alix de Morant 

Ayats, Charles

Charles Ayats is a writer director and immersive/interactive experience designer. His experience “Phi” was selected for the Arte/NFB Interactive Haiku project. He is passionate about making informative, meaningful, innovative, politically engaged work, in the form of web documentaries (such as, “Check-in”, “Pas si bêtes les Animaux”, and “Tati Express”), and video games, like Type:Rider, a three-part game on the history of typography, which he co-directed in 2013. 

Always on the look out for new forms of story-telling, he often participates in hackathons (Artgame weekend, StoryHack Tribecca/ Cern, Game in the city, HackLaMisère) as a way to enrich his previous experience and training (Cifap, Gobelins, Dixit, INA). 

A lover of virtual reality, he adapted Marc-Antoine Mathieu’s graphic novel SENS (2016) for VR. The work is a voyage through an invisible labyrinth exploring both the notion of the absurd and the place of the player within the game. He also co-wrote “7 Lives” (2019) an interactive VR experience directed by Jan Kounen, which blends interactive 360° surround video with real-time 3D graphics, and “Le Cri” (2019) based on the painting The Scream by Edvard Munch. 

After making an augmented reality short film, M.O.A (2020), adapted from Alain Damasio’s futuristic novel “The Shealthies”, he is continuing his explorations in story-telling, bodies and space with live performance projects, including Colonie.s and No reality now. 

No reality now, la danse et son double

Artistic direction / Conception : Vincent Dupont et Charles Ayats

Artistic direction assistance / Conception : Myriam Le Breton

Choreography : Vincent Dupont

Interpretation : Elsa Dumontel, Lazare Huet, Mey Provost

Original music : Vanessa Court, Raphaëlle Latini

Lights : Yves Godin

Costumes : Éric Martin

Settings : Sylvain Giraudeau

Technical direction : Thibaut Le Garrec

Other collaborations : Régie plateau : Sylvain Giraudeau ou Anne Wagner Dit Reinhardt Régie son : Brice Kartmann Régie lumière : Iannis Japiot ou Nathalie De Rosa Régie réseau et régie générale : Thibaut Le Garrec Régie VR : Anastasiia Ternova RÉALISATION EXPÉRIENCE NUMÉRIQUE Expérience numérique : Small Creative Technologue créatif : Jean Dellac Création artistique VR : Florian Salabert Technical art : Pierre Didier Développeurs : Sofiane Tihdaini, Pierre Roquin Design accessoires VR : YouFactory

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : J’y pense souvent (…) : Marion Gauvent, Alexandra Servigne Dark Euphoria : Mathieu Rozières, Marie Albert, Raphaël Chênais Coproduction : Lieu Unique, scène nationale de Nantes – Théâtre Nouvelle Génération CDN de Lyon – CND Centre National de la Danse, Pantin – Centre des Arts, Enghien-les-Bains – CNDC Centre national de danse contemporaine, Angers – ICI—Centre chorégraphique national, Montpellier – Espace des Arts scène nationale, Chalon-sur-Saône – Théâtre d’Arles Soutiens : No reality now bénéficie du soutien du programme CHIMERES -du Ministère de la culture - DGCA, porté par le Lieu Unique, Nantes – le Théâtre Nouvelle Génération CDN, Lyon – l'Espace des Arts, Chalon-sur-Saône – le CND Centre National de la Danse No reality now est soutenu par l'Etat dans le cadre du projet Scènes augmentées financée par le dispositif #France2030 "Expérience augmentée du spectacle vivant", opéré par la Banque des territoires, CNC-DICRéAM – Région Île-de-France – Région Sud – Ville de Paris J'y pense souvent (...) bénéficie du soutien de la DRAC Île-de-France au titre des aides déconcentrées pluri-annuelles Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l’État, ArTec, gérée par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme d’Investissements d’avenir (ANR-17-EURE-0008. REMERCIEMENTS : Elisabeth Caravella, Sabrina Calvo, Pierre-Olivier Deschamps, Guillaume Depestèle - GJGears

Production / Coproduction of the video work : Réalisation : Pierre Cattan Production : Small Bang Production déléguée : Lieu Unique Film réalisé avec le soutien d'Écrans vivants de l'Onda.

Duration : 20mn

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