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La Minute du spectateur : Le Cirque Le Roux

La Minute du spectateur : Le Cirque Le Roux

The Spectator's Moment

The Spectator's Moment or how to discover an artist, a piece of work or a company in just two minutes. It is a collection of programmes produced by the Maison de la Danse in Lyon and presented by Dominique Hervieu. Each episode is devoted to an artist or a company that is programmed at the Maison de la Danse and offers the public keys or artistic benchmarks for better understanding and appreciating the choreographic art.

© Maison de la Danse de Lyon

Plasson, Fabien

Born in 1977, Fabien Plasson is a video director specialized in the field of performing arts (dance , music, etc).

During his studies at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (joined in 1995) Fabien discovered video art. He was trained by various video artists (Joel Bartoloméo Pascal Nottoli , Eric Duyckaerts , etc).
He first experimented with the creation of installations and cinematic objects.

From 2001 to 2011, he was in charge of Ginger & Fred video Bar’s programming at La Maison de la Danse in Lyon. He discovered the choreographic field and the importance of this medium in the dissemination, mediation and pedagogical approach to dance alongside Charles Picq, who was a brilliant video director and the director of the video department at that time.

Today, Fabien Plasson is the video director at La Maison de la Danse and in charge of the video section of, an online international  video library, and continues his creative activities, making videos of concerts, performances and also creating video sets for live performances.

Sources: Maison de la Danse ; Fabien Plasson website

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Cirque Leroux

Founded  in 2014, Cirque Le Roux is a French circus company based in Nouvelle  Aquitaine region of France. Imbued with a cinematic, meticulously  detailed aesthetic, its high-voltage performances are rich in  tragicomic, dreamlike atmospheres. 

Cirque Le Roux  attempts to create captivating, original worlds that are suffused with  personal significance and pull from a wide variety of artistic  influences. They base their research on the diversity and variety of the  human condition. The artist’s rigourous circus training allows them to  push physical boundaries and use their acrobatic disciplines as a motor  to further a narrative dramaturgy. Their works come to life in touching  theatrical gems that evoke emotion and question our connection and trust  in ourselves and others. In 2015 the four co-founders (Lolita Costet,  Grégory Arsenal, Philip Rosenberg and Yannick Thomas) created The Elephant in the Room,  an exhilarating and deliciously retro circus comedy that over the past  four years has been presented more than 400 times all over the world. 

In 2015 the show  played to sold-out houses at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where it was  nominated for a Total Theatre Award. Some 50,000 spectators attended  the performances at Bobino Paris, and the company received the Étoile du  Parisien award in 2017. 

The originality and  virtuosity of the piece led to invitations to popular television shows  such as the Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde, Quotidien with Yann Barthès,  the Molières awards ceremony at Folies Bergères and Michel Drucker’s  Vivement Dimanche. The cinematic nature of “The Elephant in the Room”  also led to broadcasts of the piece on national networks like TV5 Monde,  Canal +, and several international broadcasts. 

In 2019 Cirque Le Roux  took up the challenge of creating a new work, another extraordinary  “cinema-circus”, continuing its pursuit of artistic excellence at all  levels (acting, acrobatic technique, combinations of disciplines, set  design, costumes, etc.) in a show that can be viewed as a follow-up to  the first piece, yet set some 35 years later.

Source: Company's website

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