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JAZZ - Variation n°20 - Épreuves de danse 2025

Fin de cycle diplômant, garçon 1ère option

Ministère de la Culture 2024 - Director : Le Mao, Gilles

Choreographer(s) : Duc, Emmanuelle (France)

Present in collection(s): Ministère de la Culture , Épreuves de danse 2025

Video producer : La Huit Production

en fr

JAZZ - Variation n°20 - Épreuves de danse 2025

Fin de cycle diplômant, garçon 1ère option

Ministère de la Culture 2024 - Director : Le Mao, Gilles

Choreographer(s) : Duc, Emmanuelle (France)

Present in collection(s): Ministère de la Culture , Épreuves de danse 2025

Video producer : La Huit Production

en fr

JAZZ - Variation n°20 - Fin de cycle diplômant, garçon 1ère option - Épreuves de danse 2025


Variation n°20

Fin de cycle diplômant (DEC) (Admission EAT) - garçon - 1ère option - commande 2025

Chorégraphe-transmetteure : Emmanuelle DUC

Compositeur : Pascal DESSEIN

Interprètes musicaux : PASCAL DESSEIN, Romain PERDA et Nicolas FEUGER 

Danseur : François DEBAECKER

Réalisé par Gilles LE MAO 

Production exécutive : La Huit Production 

Informations et brochure :

©2024 Ministère de la Culture

Duc, Emmanuelle

Emmanuelle Duc is a dancer, choreographer and teacher. A state-qualified dancer (CAFE-Danse in Aix-en-Provence) and holder of the Certificat d'Aptitude aux fonctions de professeur de danse (CNSMD de Lyon), she teaches jazz dance at the regional conservatoires of Cergy-Pontoise and Paris. She is regularly invited to take part in transmission courses, and to sit on end-of-cycle, EAT and DE juries. She is keen to maintain a healthy balance between performance, creation and transmission in order to constantly nourish her artistic universe, her teaching and her creativity.

A performer with Compagnie PGK since 2012, she has been immersed in the work of Patricia Greenwood-Karagozian, whose creations are all performed to live music and have as their common denominator the relationship between music and dance.

Emmanuelle Duc also has a particular interest in danced or improvised performances in unusual environments, having danced in companies (Le Ballet des Zigues, Ex Nihilo) at a number of street arts festivals in France and abroad. She choreographs her own projects, questioning the boundaries between stage space and public space, notably with her solo Rise.

Dessein, Pascal

Pascal Dessein has been a pianist and dance accompanist at the CRR in Cergy-Pontoise for almost 30 years. He teaches dance accompaniment and is also a trainer in pedagogy and music for the DE dance teacher diploma at the AID. He also composes for dance, children's theatre, for his duo ‘Les 2 Pascal’ and even as a soloist, influenced as much by his experience as a musician with the Gruss circus as by post-romantic trends and 21st-century modern jazz.

He has also developed cultural initiatives with conservatory bands, and supports the issue of inclusion as an improviser in the Balbutio show. 

Le Mao, Gilles

Director of the production company La Huit since 1990, Gilles Le Mao has produced and directed, on behalf of the General Delegation of Artistic Creation, more than 300 variations of “Dance Events” since 1996.

 Executive producer of some 400 audiovisual and cinema programs at La Huit, he also carries out major interviews on personalities from ethnology, architecture, landscape and art history with the Ministry of Culture. 2009 World Music Favorite Prize from the Charles Cros Academy for the film “The Drums of Tokyo”, he has produced around fifty documented concerts on jazz, world music and classical music since 1999.

 He has also been a member of various selective cinema commissions since 2009 at the CNC and in the Limousin, Normandy and Grand-Est regions. Since 1995, he has worked with the Ministry of Culture - Drac Ile de France in high school and BTS cinema and production section.

JAZZ - Variation n°20 - Fin de cycle diplômant, garçon 1ère option - Épreuves de danse 2025

Choreography : Emmanuelle DUC

Interpretation : François DEBAECKER

Original music : PASCAL DESSEIN, Romain PERDA et Nicolas FEUGER

Lights : Philippe COUTANT

Production / Coproduction of the video work : La Huit Production

Duration : 4 min 16

Épreuves de danse 2025

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