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Creation Yuval Pick 2021


Creation Yuval Pick 2021


With FutureNow, aimed at all the young at heart, aged 7 to 77, Yuval Pick reactivates everyone's childlike imagination.

Yuval Pick's piece, FutureNow, refocuses on questions and themes that are fundamental to everyone's existence: childhood, the roots of subjectivity, self-construction and creativity. The choreographer began by asking his dancers a few simple, concrete questions: ‘How was I creative as a child? When did I feel different when I was young?

He asked his dancers to extract a key turning point from their memories. To rediscover one of those points of support, or intimate foundations, that form the core of their subjectivity, their own way of seeing, apprehending and experiencing the world. If we ask ourselves these questions, we will all rediscover a childhood moment, brief or long, a life experience, an initiative, a refusal, a new way of speaking, a thought, where our ‘I’ took on a new bent, a new direction and a new impetus.

Pick, Yuval

Appointed director of the Centre Chorégraphique de Rillieux-la-Pape in August 2011, Yuval Pick has had a long career as a choreographer, a dancer and a teacher.
He first trained at the Bat-Dor Dance School in Tel Aviv, then joined the Batsheva Dance Company in 1991. Four years later he left to begin working as an international guest artist with, among others, Tero Saarinen, Carolyn Carlson and Russel Maliphant.

In 1999 he joined the Opera Ballet of Lyon, and founded his own company, The Guests, in 2002.
Since then he has created a strong repertory of works marked by their elaborated, layered movement vocabulary, accompanied by commissioned scores by ranking composers.

In his work the relationships between individuals and group(s) are often highlighted and challenged.

He created Popular Music (2005), Strand Behind (2006) for the Agora Festival (IRCAM) and the National Conservatory of music and dance (CNSMD) in Lyon, /Paon/ (2008) for the Junior Ballet in Genève and 17 drops. In 2010, he created Score and then The Him for the Junior Ballet of the National Conservatory music and dance (CNSMD) in Paris and the trio PlayBach at the invitation of Carolyn Carlson.

In 2012, No play hero, with the music of David Lang and Folks for the Biennale of Danse in Lyon. Then, two creations in 2014, the duet loom with the music of Nico Muhly and Ply piece for five dancers with the american composer Ashley Fure.In 2015, he creates Apnée (corps vocal) for four dancers and six singers and then Are friends electric? for six dancers around the music of Kraftwerk.

In 2016, Yuval Pick was commissioned to create a work in a national historical building: Hydre in the the Royal Monastery of Brou.




Villard, Mathieu

Mathieu Villard is a director, editor and cameraman. He works with institutional agencies, while actively contributing to live performance projects with the Lyon Opera Ballet, the CCN de Rilleux-La-Pape and dance companies. He also works on the creation of audio-visual objects dedicated to music for festivals or artist clips. 

CCNR - Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape

Upon his arrival to the National Choreographic Center Yuval Pick founded a new dance company and developed a rich repertory of works marked by their elaborated movement vocabulary, accompanied by worldly named composers.  In 2012, No play hero, with the music of David Lang and Folks for the Biennale of Dance in Lyon. Then, two creations in 2014, the duet loom with the music of Nico Muhly and Ply piece for five dancers with the American composer Ashley Fure. In 2015, he creates Eddies for four dancers with a dialogue between medieval and electronic music and then Are friends electric? for six dancers inspired by the music of Kraftwerk.In 2016, Yuval Pick was commissioned to create a site-specific project for the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, In France. This project, Hydra, is presented since all over the world in museums, historical monuments and festivals.In January 2018, he creates Acta est fabula in Chaillot – Théâtre National de la Danse, and a year later, he creates a new version for young audience: Lil’Acta. In January 2020, he will present his new creation, In D minor for nine dancers, in St-Nazaire’s national theater, and will create a piece for the Lyon’s Opera ballet in April 2020.

“My choreographic research is guided by the idea that each human-being has innate knowledge that dance has the power to unveil.” Yuval Pick  



Choreography : Yuval Pick

Choreography assistance : Sharon Eskenazi

Interpretation : Noémie De Almeida, Alejandro Fuster Guillén (remplacé par Jade Sarette), Madoka Kobayashi (en alternance avec Mio Fusho), Emanuele Piras (remplacé par Simon Hervé)

Lights : Sébastien Lefèvre

Costumes : Gabrielle Marty, Florence Bertrand

Technical direction : Thalie Lurault

Sound : Max Bruckert, Pierre-Jean Eude

Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : CCNR/Yuval Pick, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois TROIS C-L, Scenario Pubblico / Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza, LUX Scène Nationale de Valence

Duration : 50 minutes

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