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Le corps de la ville #29

Nicolas Habas 2016 - Director : Habas, Nicolas

Choreographer(s) : Foley, Kate (United States)

Present in collection(s): Nicolas Habas , Le corps de la ville

Video producer : studio Un Poil Court


Le corps de la ville #29

Nicolas Habas 2016 - Director : Habas, Nicolas

Choreographer(s) : Foley, Kate (United States)

Present in collection(s): Nicolas Habas , Le corps de la ville

Video producer : studio Un Poil Court


Le corps de la ville #29

Episode tourné à Rijeka (Croatie), en novembre 2016 avec les plus jeunes élèves de l'option danse de l'école Vežica (collège/Lycée), dirigée par la chorégraphe et pédagogue américaine Kate Foley. La musique est signée par le groupe pop croate Marinada.

Foley, Kate

Choreographer, dancer, director, filmmaker, teacher

Born 1958 Seattle, Washington

Kate Foley develops dance projects in multiple media, teaches and collaborates with artists working in a wide variety of genres. Of special interest are international community building projects. From 1986 to 1998 Foley directed dance companies in New York and San Francisco. In 1991 she founded the non-profit organization House of Dance with Neta Pulvermacher. She produced and directed house of dance, a public access cable television series serving the dance community in San Francisco. Collaborators in film and video include Rea Tajiri, David Michalak, and Mike Kelley. As resident choreographer for Ulysses Theatre in Croatia, Foley worked on large scale productions directed by Lenka Udovicki, King Lear (2001) and Medea (2002), with Nigel Osborne, the Mostar Sinfonietta and Putokazi. A dedicated practitioner of Iyengar yoga since 1982, she teaches in a wide variety of contexts including universities, clinics, prisons and dance festivals. BFA California Institute of the Arts, 1982. MFA University of California, Department of World Arts and Cultures, 2007.

Grants and honors: 2006 Fulbright Fellowship (Croatia), three National Endowment for the Arts Choreography Fellowships, research fellowship in dance video from the National Initiative to Preserve American Dance, and other foundation, local government and academic grants.

Presenters and partners: Dance Theater Workshop, Danspace at St. Marks’s Church, and PS 122 in New York; Theater Artaud, Sushi Gallery, the San Francisco Dance Center, the Seattle Arts Festival, The Croatian American Cultural Center and Slavonian Traveling Band in San Francisco, and the Croatian Institute of Movement and Dance (HIPP) and Eks-scena in Croatia.


Habas, Nicolas

Nicolas Habas comes from cinema first, as a screenwriter and director of several short fiction films including Le mal de Claire, broadcast on French TV and documentaries (La parole en chantier, triptych on a popular neighborhood in urban renewal). He is very interested in the tensions between reality and the imaginary, society and intimacy, geography and territories. With a self-taught apprenticeship that led him to a deep understanding of the codes of the film industry, he decided to find «his» cinema and returned with Le Corps de la Ville, the web series anchored in dance, to his first loves, since he made his first dance video in 1998. Shot during the 30° Eurockéennes de Belfort Festival and Broadcast on Arte Concert, Mouvements is its second web series.

Filmography :

2024 Le corps de la ville en Guadeloupe -  Documentaire 52 ‘(support : HD, © JPL Productions/ WIPS Productions/ Canal +) - en cours de post production - 

2023 L'envol - Court métrage documentaire d'après Ruptures de Bouziane Bouteldja (support : 4k, durée 28' © Cie Dans6T/Cie CinéDanse). Best Cinematography Award, 2024 Breaking Walls Dance Film Festival, Le Caire, Égypte.

2022 Le corps de la ville en Guyane - pilote du documentaire 52’ (support : HD, durée : 5’, © JPL Productions/ WIPS Productions). Sélection officielle : Festival Cinédanse Quebec, Danca Em Foco à Rio de Janeiro, Wyoming Dance Film Festival à Cheyenne, USA.

2022 Danse ton île - Documentaire 52’ (support : HD, © JPL Productions/ AV Com Productions/ France Télévision).

2021 Le corps de la ville en Martinique - Documentaire 52 ‘ et web série (support : HD, durée : 10 x 5’, © JPL Productions/ WIPS Productions/ France Télévision).

2020 Pères en prison - Court métrage documentaire (support HD, durée 5’ © Festival La Rochelle Cinéma/ studio Un Poil Court)

2019 Le corps de la ville à Nouméa - Documentaire 52 ‘ et web série (support : HD, durée : 10 x 5’, © JPL Productions/ AV Com Productions/ France Télévision).

2018 Mouvements - Documentaire 26’ et web série (support : HD, durée : 18 x 3’, © Séquence SDP/ Eurockéennes de Belfort/ Viadanse/ Ccn de Belfort/ Arte Concert).

2014/2019 Le corps de la ville - web série (support : HD, durée : 36 x 4’, © studio Un Poil Court en partenariat avec le Festival La Rochelle Cinéma, Studio Chérie (Berlin), le Périscope (Lyon), Le Festival Nocte Graus (Espagne), le Festival DAN.CIN.FEST, Le CCN de La Rochelle, la Cie En Knap (Slovénie), la Cie Hors Série, la Cie Propos, la Cie Jean Claude Gallotta et le CNSMD de Lyon).

2011 Mauvaise graine - Court métrage de fiction (support : 35 mm, durée : 21’, © CLC Productions/ Lyon TV).

2006/2012 La parole en chantier - Triptyque documentaire (support : HDV, durée : 3x40’, © Petits bolides films/ Espace Louis Aragon).

2004 Le mal de Claire - Court métrage de fiction (support : Super 16 mm, durée 14’, © Lumina Films/France Télévision).

2000 En attendant septembre - Court métrage de fiction (support : DV, durée : 30’, © Petits Bolides films/ Carré Image). 

1998 Marie au parc - Vidéo danse (support : S-VHS, durée 7’, auto production).

Le corps de la ville #29

Artistic direction / Conception : Nicolas Habas

Choreography : Kate Foley

Interpretation : Patricia Baros, Katja Butkovic, Anita Cetina, Anna Dragicevic, Lara Drljaca, Jana Jaksic, Renata Mavric, Nika Nasteski, Eva Sustar.

Original music : Marinada

Other collaborations : Montage et étalonnage : Lena Pradelle/Chargée de production : Floriane Rigaud

Production / Coproduction of the video work : studio Un Poil Court

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