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Tragédie : extrait

Tragédie : extrait


In the crescendo, the repetitive, exhaustion and pleasure, Olivier Dubois created a manifest, obsessive and hypnotic piece in 'Tragédie', 

He reproduces the experience of a blinding, dazzling – even deafening – humanity. The bodies can no longer be distinguished except by these moving masses, these archaic urges. With 'Tragédie', more than just creating a piece of choreography, Olivier Dubois propels us into a "worldly sensation". The simple fact of being a human does not constitute Humanity: such is the tragedy of our existence. It is only from bodies, from the telluric pressure born from each of our steps and from our conscious and voluntary commitments that this humanity will surge forward. Overexposed in their nudity to better embody their obvious anatomical differences, nine women and nine men present an original state of the body, a solicitation of their human gender undressed of historical, sociological or psychological troubles, ultimately creating a choir in the form of a glorious song/body. Walking, being picked up, facing something, first by incessant comings and goings – the shifts of movement – and then by pounding the floor and transforming the step into a fundamental gesture of their desire.

Just like 'Révolution', Olivier Dubois has created a manifest, obsessive, even hypnotic piece where, like the changing tides, these men and women seem to melt and disappear; the friction of their commitments creates the fracas. A rift opens and reveals within this telluric chaos the precious transcendence of a human community. “Through song and dance, humans show their belonging to a higher community: they have un-learnt how to walk and talk and, through dancing, are about to fly away into the air. Their movements speak of their enchantment.”


Création Olivier Dubois
Assistanat à la création Cyril Accorsi
Musique François Caffenne
Lumières Patrick Riou
Régie générale François Michaudel
Régie lumière Emmanuel Gary
Interprètes Benjamin Bertrand, Arnaud Boursain, Jorge More Calderon, Marie-Laure Caradec, Syvain Decloitre, Virginie Garcia, Karine Girard, Carole Gomes, Inés Hernandez, Isabelle Kürzi, Marie Leca, Sébastien Ledig, Filipe Lourenço, Thierry Micouin, Aurélie Mouilhade, Rafael Pardillo, Sébastien Perrault, Sandra Savin
Direction de production Béatrice Horn

Dubois, Olivier

Born in 1972, Olivier Dubois created his first solo “Under Cover” in 1999. In 2005, he performed the duet “Féroces” with Christine Corday for the Théâtre de l'Esplanade, St Etienne. The SACD (Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers) and the Avignon Festival invited him to compose a piece in 2006 in the context of “Vif du Sujet”, “Pour tout l'or du monde”.

In 2006 and 2007 he composed the first two parts of the Bdanse project: “En Sourdine” and “Peter Pan”. He has taught and led numerous workshops for companies and schools abroad. In June 2007 he was awarded the special jury prize by the Syndicat Professionnel de la Critique (Professional Critic's Union for theatre, music and dance), for his achievements as a performer and for “Pour tout l'or du monde”. He presented his new creation “Faune(s)” in 2008 at the Avignon Festival. At the ImpulsTanz Festival in 2008 in Vienna (Austria), he was awarded the Jardin d'Europe prize. In January 2009 he choreographed Offenbach's “La Périchole”, directed by Bérangère Jannelle at the Lille Opera.

He also held an exhibition in 2009, “L'interprète dévisagé”, at the Centre National de la Danse and in November 2009 he premièred “Révolution”, a piece for 14 female dancers set to variations on Ravel's Boléro. The Ballet Monte-Carlo commissioned a piece from him based on “Le Spectre de la Rose” for April 2010. He has performed for many choreographers and directors (Sasha Waltz, Nasser Martin-Gousset, Dominique Boivin, Jan Fabre, Emilio Calcagno, Charles Cré-Ange, Angelin Preljocaj, Karine Saporta, Elio Gervasi, Andy Degroat, Laura Simi...).

Sources : Biennale de la Danse press file ; the Company Olivier Dubois 's website

More information :

Carlès, James

Since 2016, James Carlès has made the choice to make available to the public a selection of its videos.

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès

Two methodologies transmitted by James Carlès and recognized internationally are part of the artistic and pedagogical project of the center :

- R.E.S.E.T. : Movement techniques with multiple applications for dancers and the person: form, health, expression, creativity, physicality are the assets of this method.

- James Carlès Dance Methodology : Choreographic technique for artists and thinkers. It allows dancers to develop their awareness and mastery of movement (flow), their gesture and their infinite technical and choreographic applications.

More than 2100 students have been trained in the span of 20 years, of which :

- 40% became artists/dancers

- 10% are working in cultural administration, in distribution or production

- 40% became teachers

- 10% are working in the body and well-being professions


Artistic direction / Conception : Olivier Dubois

Artistic direction assistance / Conception : Cyril Accorsi

Interpretation : Benjamin Bertrand, Arnaud Boursain, Jorge More Calderon, Marie-Laure Caradec, Syvain Decloitre, Virginie Garcia, Karine Girard, Carole Gomes, Inés Hernandez, Isabelle Kürzi, Marie Leca, Sébastien Ledig, Filipe Lourenço, Thierry Micouin, Aurélie Mouilhade, Rafael Pardillo, Sébastien Perrault, Sandra Savin

Original music : François Caffenne

Lights : Patrick Riou, Emmanuel Gary

Other collaborations : François Michaudel (régie générale)

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