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Folie [transmission 2024]

CN D - Centre national de la danse Danse en amateur et répertoire 2024 - Director : Ducros, Romu

Choreographer(s) : Brumachon, Claude (France)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Folie [transmission 2024]

CN D - Centre national de la danse Danse en amateur et répertoire 2024 - Director : Ducros, Romu

Choreographer(s) : Brumachon, Claude (France)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

en fr

Folie [transmission 2024]

A choreographic extract remodelled by the group Ainsi-Danse, coordinator Armelle Cornillon, as part of the “Danse en amateur et repertoire” programme 2023/2024 (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing).
Transmission by Claude Brumachon, choreograph, Benjamin Lamarche, assistant, performer
Presented on 15 June 2024, Le Manège de Reims.
The piece when it was created
Firstly produced 17 November 1989 at L.A.R.C., Centre d’action culturelle, Le Creusot
Choreography: Claude Brumachon
Work for fifteen performers: Mercedes Chanquia, Roxana Del Castillo, Jean-Yves Ginoux, Pascal Guillermie, Boris Jacta, Benjamin Lamarche, Sandrine Lamoine, Yolande Limousin, Anne Minetti, Nick Petit, Véronique Redoux, Fabienne Saint Patrice, Valérie Soulard, Isabelle Tanneau, Sophie Torrion
Music: Christophe Zurfluh
Original duration: 1h
The group
Ainsi-Danse (Villemomble, Île-de-France)
Le groupe Ainsi-Danse réunit amateurs et semi-professionnels de la compagnie Odela d’Armelle Cornillon et du conservatoire de Bagnolet. Il développe un projet plus global qui a pour ambition d’animer une mémoire du mythique Ballet pour demain (concours de Bagnolet). Encadré par de nombreuses actions culturelles et pédagogiques autour des lauréats du fameux concours, le projet baptisé en hommage Hier c’était demain, travaille sur un patrimoine chorégraphique français d’une époque où tout semblait possible. Avec Folie, le groupe a fait le choix d’une pièce de Claude Brumachon, créée en 1989, un an après qu’il ait été primé et révélé au concours de Bagnolet avec Texane.
The project
À l’origine, commande de la Biennale du Val-de-Marne pour la célébration du bicentenaire de la Révolution, Folie se laisse emporter dans la fureur dès le début de la pièce marquée par la scansion des respirations. Ces corps ont du souffle et une énergie que l’épuisement n’atteint jamais. Les quinze danseurs forment une horde magnifique et dépenaillée lancée dans une chorégraphie énergique qui fait référence aux transhumances des peuples et aux mouvements des groupes de femmes partis à l’assaut de leur libération. Œuvre prémonitoire, Folie est devenue emblématique du répertoire tant elle rencontre toujours l’actualité. Claude Brumachon et Benjamin Lamarche sont venus transmettre eux-mêmes cette pièce à un groupe, sensible au caractère actuel de la pièce et qui a dû s’entraîner régulièrement afin d’intégrer la gestuelle singulière, puissante et viscérale de l’auteur. 

Brumachon, Claude

Claude Brumachon was born in 1959, in Rouen. After attending Fine Arts where drawing directed him down the path of bodies, he took up dance at the age of seventeen with « les Ballets de la Cité » led by Catherine Atlani, he stayed there for two years.

In 1981, Claude Brumachon met Benjamin Lamarche in Paris, they immediately started a collaborative and original research. Together, they explored that new world opening up through the dancing body.

Claude Brumachon between 1980 and 1983, as for him, worked with Christine Gérard (La Pierre Fugitive), Karine Saporta and Brigitte Farges.

As they belonged to no school in particular and as they rejected none, Claude and Benjamin sealed their agreement with a first duet : Niverolles Duo du col in 1982.

With their first group, the « Rixes » company in 1984, they invented a stylized, vehement and passionate choreographic writing: a sharp and brisk gesture, a tormented tenderness. They surrounded themselves with dancers, a composer, a makeup artist and a costume designer: Founding a troupe and leading it to creation.

In four years’ time, the choreographer created ten plays with two major ones (1988): Texane (award-winning at the Bagnolet contest) and Le Piédestal des vierges which set their style to a recognizable gesture. It quickly followed on sequences of cleat-cut and sharp movements cutting the body and the space.

The choreographer carved out a reputation. In 1989, Folie came to the fore and was a great success again. That success has been repeated 7 years later in 1996, with Icare (presented at the 50th Festival d’Avignon), a solo written for Benjamin Lamarche.

Sometimes groping, sometimes rushing headlong, Claude Brumachon and Benjamin Lamarche imagine and create new worlds. There‘s never any doubt between them, doubts are about dancing, about the ways of dancing, about the continuing questioning of this moving body the mind is obsessed with.

The teaching of their dance is made through training, lessons are made as much to pass on this brand new knowledge as to refine it. Moments to unite the group under a common body language. To understand is also to make understand.

As an expression of desire – passionate – and of an overflowing sensuality to a certain point that it was sometimes described as violent, their plays are tales of the inexpressible, they are mirrors of raging inner worlds, pushed beyond their own rules. Claude Brumachon and Benjamin Lamarche have become researchers in poetic and powerful movements. They’ve been creating a dance alternately full of energy and tormented, lyric and passionate, now high-spirited and romantic and now down to earth and meaningful.

Out of Molière’s wanderings, they made with Histoire d’Argan le Visionnaire (2007) a bright and facetious show as a tribute to the artist. Out of the consumer society, they made a Festin (2004), carnal and sensual where proximity bursts out at the face of the audience. With Phobos (2007), they ventured into irrational, universal or shallow fears.

Claude and Benjamin create from the body for the body and with the body.

Their dances are as much stories of different groups that share a space to live in as they are stories of loneliness facing the world. They all are a research around an irrational gesture that calls for the precise one, necessary and full of meaning.

A gesture, heavy with an unspeakable story that changes into the very moment and, in a sometimes bitter statement, offers a view of man in his complexity.

Claude Brumachon signed more than eighty original choreographies with his own dancers, dancers from other French or foreign ballets, with schools and with children as well.

They directed the National Choreographic Centre of Nantes to the creation in 1992 to 2015. Since January 1, 2016 they continue their choreographic road with their new company SOUS LA PEAU.

Source : Brumachon-Lamarche

More information :

Ducros, Romu

Folie [transmission 2024]

Choreography : Claude Brumachon

Interpretation : Gustine Aleonard, Sakina Bennaï, Nathalie Caron, Margaux Chevalier, Armelle Cornillon, Solène Sanaé Dardennes, Louise Delbet, Laura Esteve, Solenn Favre, Solenne Harrault, Aurore Heyl, Guillaume Lemoine, Ninon Rigaud, Mélody Riobé, Sean Scascighini, Lyna Tibourtine, Loah Vincenti

Original music : Christophe Zurfluh

Video conception : Romu Ducros

Duration : 15 minutes

Danse en amateur et répertoire

Amateur Dance and Repertory is a companion program to amateur practice beyond the dance class and the technical learning phase. Intended for groups of amateur dancers, it opens a space of sharing for those who wish to deepen a practice and a knowledge of the dance in relation to its history.

Laurent Barré
 Head of Research and Choreographic Directories
Anne-Christine Waibel
 Research Assistant and Choreographic Directories
 +33 (0)1 41 83 43 96

Source: CN D

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