Flash Danse with Silvia Gribaudi
2025 - Director : Le Gymnase, CDCN
Choreographer(s) : Gribaudi, Silvia (Italy)
Present in collection(s): Flash Danse
Video producer : Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France
Flash Danse with Silvia Gribaudi
2025 - Director : Le Gymnase, CDCN
Choreographer(s) : Gribaudi, Silvia (Italy)
Present in collection(s): Flash Danse
Video producer : Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France
Flash danse
Des interviews de 3 minutes où les artistes soutenu•e•s en résidence ont la parole !
Suspended Chorus
Silvia Gribaudi is convinced of the power of our bodies to arouse empathy and convey emotions. Alone on stage, the internationally acclaimed choreographer plays with her limits with self-mockery and creates an organic relationship with the audience. A dialogue opens up, offering spectators the chance to become part of an ephemeral choir: Suspended Chorus.
Gribaudi, Silvia
Silvia Gribaudi is an Italian choreographer who also specialises in performing arts in general.
Since 2004 she has focused her research on the social impact of bodies, having set at the centre of her choreographic language the comic element and the relationship between audience and performers.
Award-winner of the Premio Giovane Danza D’Autore with her piece A CORPO LIBERO(2009), finalist at the Premio UBU for best dance show and finalist at the Premio Rete Critica award with R.OSA (2017), winner of the Premio CollaborAction#4 2018-2019, finalist at the Premio Rete Critica 2019, winner of the Premio DANZA&DANZA 2019 for best Italian production with the piece GRACES and Premio Histryo Corpo a Corpo 2021.
She has taken part in several artistic research projects, including:
CHOREOROAM (2011), TRIPTYCH (2013), ACT YOUR AGE (2014) – an EU project about active ageing through the art of dance, which inspired the performance WHAT AGE ARE YOU ACTING?, as well as the community project OVER 60; PERFORMING GENDER (2015); CORPO LINKS CLUSTER (2019/2020), where the connection of dance, the mountains, and the mountain community gave life to the site specific project TREKKING COREOGRAFICO (choreographic trekking) and to the piece MONJOUR (2021), produced by Torinodanza Festival in collaboration with Teatro Stabile del Veneto and Brussels’s Les Halles de Schaerbeek.
In 2021 she has been a guest choreographer at “Danser Encore, 30 solos pour 30 danseurs”, a project for the Opéra de Lyon and in June 2023 her new production will be premiered: GRAND JETÉ, a coproduction by MM Contemporary Dance Company (IT), La Biennale de Lyon (FR), Théâtre de la Ville (FR), Rum för Dans (SE), Torinodanza Festival (IT), International Dance Festival TANEC PRAHA (CZ), Zodiak – Side Step Festival (FIN) e dal network internazionale Big Pulse Dance Alliance..
Her shows have been featured in a number of national and international festivals and are the result of a creative process that focuses on dialogue and on the poetic encounter with other artists, dance companies, and communities.
Source: Silvia Gribaudi
More information: silviagribaudi.com
Le Gymnase, CDCN
For 40 years, the Gymnase has been working to support and network dance in the Lille area, as well as regionally, nationally and internationally.
Supporting artists and audiences is at the heart of its missions.
Suspended Chorus
Artistic direction / Conception : Silvia Gribaudi
Artistic direction assistance / Conception : Matteo Maffesanti
Choreography : Silvia Gribaudi
Choreography assistance : Andrea Rampazzo
Interpretation : Silvia Gribaudi
Artistic consultancy / Dramaturgy : Annette Van Zwoll, Camilla Guarino, Giuseppe Comuniello
Original music : Matteo Franceschini
Lights : Luca Serafini
Costumes : Ettore Lombardi
Other collaborations : Conseil technique : Leonardo Benetollo
Production / Coproduction of the choreographic work : Production : Associazione Culturale Zebra Coproduction : Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale , La Corte Ospitale, Rum för Dans, Le Gymnase CDCN – Roubaix Hauts-de-France, What You See Festival – Utrecht, Operaestate Festival Veneto Soutien : MiC – Ministère de la Culture italien
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