2004 - Director : Arteaga, Mariana
Choreographer(s) : Arteaga, Mariana (Mexico)
Present in collection(s): Centre de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne
Video producer : Mariana Arteaga
2004 - Director : Arteaga, Mariana
Choreographer(s) : Arteaga, Mariana (Mexico)
Present in collection(s): Centre de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne
Video producer : Mariana Arteaga
Una mujer en medio de la nada. Sola sentada en una silla, movida a capricho por el viento y un visitante inesperado. De colores contrastantes esta pieza está cargada de humor y de sorpresa, poética visual en un suspiro.
Dirección y coreografía: Mariana Arteaga…..Intérpretes: Tania Solomonoff y Gustavo Muñoz ….. Dirección de Fotografía: Israel Romero ….. Diseño de sonido: Ricardo Cortés ….. Edición: Andrés Castañeda …..Producción: Mariana Arteaga ….. Duración: 3’ 30’’
Arteaga, Mariana
La pratique artistique de Mariana Arteaga oscille entre chorégraphie, mise en scène, commissariat et interprétation. Ses questionnements portent sur le rituel collectif, la pulsion de vie de la danse, le plaisir, la relation entre la chorégraphie et le pouvoir, et la mémoire corporelle. Ces dernières années, dans son processus de création, elle a exploré le travail chorégraphique avec les citoyens dans l'espace public, proposant d'autres formes possibles de rencontre, de dialogue, de soin et d'affection collective.
Son travail a été présenté en Colombie, aux États-Unis, en Indonésie, au Brésil, en Allemagne et au Japon.
En savoir plus :
Arteaga, Mariana
Artistic direction / Conception : Mariana Arteaga
Choreography : Mariana Arteaga
Interpretation : Tania Solomonoff, Gustavo Muñoz
Sound : Ricardo Cortés
Other collaborations : Photographie : Israel Romero ; Montage : Andrés Castañeda
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Mariana Arteaga
Duration : 3:30
Yield Variations on dissuasive urban furniture
[1930-1960]: Neoclassicism in Europe and the United States, entirely in tune with the times
The “Nouvelle Danse Française” of the 1980s
In France, at the beginning of the 1980s, a generation of young people took possession of the dancing body to sketch out their unique take on the world.
When reality breaks in
On 24th May 1959, Tatsumi Hijikata portrayed the character of the "Man" in the first presentation of a play called Kinjiki (Forbidden Colours).
The Ankoku Butoh was born,
States of the body
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Dance in Quebec: Untamed Bodies
First part of the Parcours about dance in Quebec, these extracts present how bodies are being used in a very physical way.
The American origins of modern dance: [1930-1950] from the expressive to the abstract
La part des femmes, une traversée numérique
Charles Picq, dance director
A Rite of Passage
Why do I dance ?
Mexican Video Dance
Outdoor dances
Stage theater and studio are not the only places of work or performance of a choreographic piece. Sometimes dancers and choreographers dance outside.
Bagouet Collection
Genres and styles
Dance is a rather vast term, which covers a myriad of specificities. These depend on the culture of a country, on a period, on a place. This Journey proposes a visit through dance genres and styles.
Hip hop enters the French arts scenes
Carolyn Carlson, a woman of many faces
Modern Dance and Its American Roots [1900-1930] From Free Dance to Modern Dance
At the dawn of the 20th century, in a rapidly changing West, a new dance appeared: Modern Dance. In the United States as in Europe, modern trends emerge simultaneously and intertwine in thier development. Let's dive into the beginnings of American modern dance!